Join us in Chicago over Labor Day Weekend, 2023 for…

29 straight hours of scooter hi-jinx!

We’ll start at 7pm Friday, September 1, and won’t stop until midnight (or later?) Saturday. In the true spirit of "24 Hours of LeMans" endurance, we’re making a competition of it. There will be check-ins, a regularity trial, and tests of skill and luck throughout the weekend. The longer you stick with us, the more points you’ll rack up. Do you have what it takes to be the “Champion(ne) du Carnage?”

If 29 hours of competition isn't your thing, fear not, join in when you wish and get all the sleep you like, and you'll still have a great time. There's something for everyone!

We still have some official Illinois license plates available! Add one to your order when you register.

Reach out to us at if you have questions. Or join the discussion on our facebook event page.


$35 includes:

Profits will be donated to My Block My Hood My City. Last year we donated $2000!

Register Here!


Slaughterhouse 29 T-shirts are available right here (at additional cost). Order ASAP to ensure getting it in time for the rally. Shirts are available in black or white, unisex or women's-cut. SH 28 and SH27 T-shirts are also still available.

Le Champion du Carnage?

Slaughterhouse 29 is based on the spirit of the "24 Hours of LeMans" road race. Since road racing is illegal and dangerous, we've developed an ongoing series of competitions in which you can score points. In your registration kit, you'll find a numbered bib and matching legshield banner, generously provided by our friends at Pinasco, Nisa, Mec-Eur, and plccorse.

Check in hourly with 𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔗𝔦𝔪𝔢𝔎𝔢𝔢𝔭𝔢𝔯. (you'll know 𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔗𝔦𝔪𝔢𝔎𝔢𝔢𝔭𝔢𝔯 when you see them). If you stay with us all 29 hours, that's gonna give you a very solid score, but please get rest if/when you need it, there are plenty of other ways to rack up points. (Also remember: if you check in, for example, at 3:01am and 4:59am, you can take a two-hour nap in-between and not miss points!)

Other points (and trophy) opportunities include our "time trial" (more accurately a "Regularity Rally"), a new-and-improved Gymkhana, a slow race, axe throwing, a dance-off, the concours d'elegance, and other tests of skill and/or common sense. Wear your bib and display your banner all weekend, a competition may spring up at any moment!

If you need rest, and/or don't feel comfortable competing in certain events, that's absolutely fine, you're welcome to participate, spectate, and come and go as you please. You'll still have a great time.

2023 Schedule

Please check this schedule and the facebook event page 'Discussion" section (not on the "group" page)" for any last-minute changes or weather delays.

jeudi 31 août

Early registration is back! Screw City S.C. invites you to register/pick up your rally pack Thursday evening at Printer's Row Brewing 4801 N Austin Ave (note: nowhere near actual Printer's Row!) between 7-10pm. Get an earlybird point and a Printer's Row Brewing embroidered patch! Remember, banner/bib numbers and remaining license plates are first come, first served!

vendredi 1er septembre

The rally officially starts Friday at 7pm at Big League Burgers, 3734 W Irving Park Rd. Register, pick up your rally pack, and check in with 𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔗𝔦𝔪𝔢𝔎𝔢𝔢𝔭𝔢𝔯 before the night ride. Dance with DJs Debbie, MK, and more! Bring cash/card, they've got great food/drink.

at 10pm, be geared-up with a full tank of gas. We'll split up into two groups for our night ride through the city, including a lap on the "track" from Chicago's recent Nascar event.

The ride will end around 12:30am at Montrose Harbor At that point, no one will blame you if you want to go home and get a few hours' sleep before the 6am ride. But you're also welcome to strip down to your jammies and join us for an all-night lock-in slumber party at our secret hideout. We'll have drinks and snacks, and a karaoke party, then turn down the lights and the volume and put on a movie so we can get a little rest. (Bring a pillow, and maybe a sleeping bag/pad if you're hoping to take a nap.)

samedi 2 septembre

WAKE UP and meet up at Montrose Harbor at 6am with a full tank of gas to watch the 6:17 sunrise. After that, Jason will lead the sunrise ride (on mostly-empty streets!) tracing the historic route of Chicago's first automobile race in 1895.

That ride will end at 10am for continental breakfast and axe throwing at BATL Chicago, 4842 W Irving Park Rd. If you'd like to join the axe-throwing tournament, it'll be $25 ($10 discount! Waiver and closed-toed shoes required). Friends/family (12+) are welcome to join in at the same price! If you don't want to throw, hang out and watch and have breakfast, or take a power nap in the corner.

We'll start leaving BATL at 11:45 for the "Time Trial." Riders will depart every minute and will be timed by judges through a few checkpoints between BATL and Motoworks Chicago (1901 S Western Ave). Ride responsibly: follow the speed limit and all traffic signals, don't worry about traffic, you're trying to record the most AVERAGE time!

We'll stay at Motoworks Chicago (1901 S Western Ave). from 1-3pm, for a pizza party and a high-stakes secret competition: up to ten points for everyone!

At 3pm, be gassed-up and ready, we'll ride out to Oak Brook for a garden party, featuring the concours d'elegance, slow ride, and a new-and-improved gymkhana!

Still with us? We're almost there! We'll leave Oak Brook around 6:30. Pick up some dinner on the way back to the city, or go straight to the next venue, A.J. Hudson's Public House, 3801 N Ashland Ave, they've got great food. Save one last burst of energy for the Northern soul dance party hosted by original UK DJs Gethro and Janet, with special guest Dirty South Soul Club. That kicks off at 9pm with a dance-off (last chance for points!) followed by the awards ceremony. Midnight marks TWENTY-NINE hours, you did it! But the party goes on until 2:30am

dimanche 3 septembre

Sleep in, you earned it! But roll out of bed in time to join Mayday S.C. from 2-6pm at Golden Dagger, 2447 N. Halsted St., for Amplified Chicago, AllModChicago's monthly afternoon dance party featuring DJs Rich Marafioti, FireJ of Dirty South Soul Club, and Debbie and Kat of Heart of Chicago Soul Club.


More Information

KEEP YOUR WRISTBAND ON all weekend, you must register, sign the waiver, and wear your wristband to participate. If you're not registered, waiver-ed, and wearing a wristband, you're not part of our rally.

29 hours? Really!?

Yes, we have events planned for 29 straight hours That doesn't mean you have to attend all of them. Yes, there's a competition involved, and Ben really did a nice job on the trophies, but there are lots of ways to score points other than staying awake. Even if you skip half the events, you're still going to have a great time. The LAST thing we want is people riding with compromised perception.

If you really are planning on going the full 29 hours, get plenty of sleep leading up to the rally, take a long nap Friday afternoon, and totally avoid alcohol and drugs. If you're getting worn-out, PLEASE take a break and get some rest. There are nap opportunities built into the schedule and this is Chicago, 𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔗𝔦𝔪𝔢𝔎𝔢𝔢𝔭𝔢𝔯 probably accepts bribes.

The goal is a wholesome, fun experience, something goofy that no one's ever done before. We'll attract a lot of attention, so its essential we all operate within the law, follow instructions, and show absolute respect to organizers, hosts, passerby, neighbors, and authorities. Please have a good time, but not at others' expense. If you do anything that jeopardizes others’ fun/safety, we'll take away your wristband and ask you to leave.


Covid hasn't gone away. Please don't be careless or inconsiderate. If you're sick, feeling weird, or have been exposed to sick people, please stay home. We'll mail you your stuff and Photoshop you into the group photo.


Detailed maps and ride info here

Ride safely and respectfully. Ensure your bike is in safe/legal condition. We highly recommend a full-face helmet, armored jacket, sturdy long pants and shoes/boots, and gloves, even if it's hot. At a bare minimum, please wear a DOT helmet, eye protection, and sturdy shoes. Stay hydrated and sunscreened.

Please familiarize yourself with Chicago's scooter, driving, and parking laws and our group riding guidelines. Note that all motorscooters (including 50cc models) must follow the same driving/parking laws as automobiles.

Arrive at events in time for the pre-ride briefing with a FULL TANK OF GAS. Pay close attention to the briefings, we're trying new things this year and different rides have different rules.

We strive to accommodate all scooters, mini-motos, and motorcycles, but we need to keep our group(s) together, safe, and on schedule. This year we'll be splitting up big rides into groups by displacement:

If you're on a 150-200cc scooter, choose whichever group you feel more comfortable with. (Neither group will ride on interstates.) We'll include links to maps, destination info, and contact info in the program. Most rides will have a chase vehicle.


If you're committed to staying with us for 29 hours, remember that you won't actually need a hotel Friday night! There's no official rally hotel, though many Slaughterhouse out-of-towners recommend the rustic vintage “charm” of the Heart O’ Chicago in Andersonville (act fast, it's small). We’ll be all over the city, but pretty much anywhere on the north side would be a good base of operations.

License Plate Info

Please read this carefully before ordering! (You do not need a plate to participate, it's just a great souvenir.)


Assigning a plate to an IL vehicle


We welcome all scooterists (and all scooters!). We celebrate the diversity of the weirdoes who have chosen scooters as their favorite mode of transportation. Racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ageism, nationalism, and the like will not be tolerated.

This rally is organized by a loosely-knit and ever-changing group of volunteers who do it solely for your enjoyment, inspired by the rich history of cooperation and hospitality throughout the worldwide scooter community. Please understand that the individual organizers, sponsors, and venues accept no liability for any damage, theft, loss, or injury. Be responsible for your actions, respect others, and follow the rules, or please don't come.